Tuesday, June 25, 2024

It Can Work

From the forward to the Twelve and Twelve:  "A.A.'s Twelve Steps are a group of principles, spiritual in their nature, which, if practiced as a way of life, can expel the obsession to drink and enable the sufferer to become happily and usefully whole."  

I've always liked this concept which suggests that our Twelve Step program can work.  It also implies that one needs to practice the principles.  It also implies, less distinctly but the implication sneaks through nevertheless, that we hold no monopoly on recovery.  If you like our Program: great.  If you can stay sober and achieve a reasonable degree of happiness doing something else: great.

But then, Bill W, always self-indulgent and certain of his beliefs to a fault, adds this: "Many people, non-alcoholics, report that as a result of the practice of A.A.'s Twelve Steps, they have been able to meet other difficulties of life.  They see in them a way to happy and effective living for many, alcoholic or not."

I helped start this movement that has proved so beneficial to so many alcoholics maybe I can save the whole fricking world.  I relate to this all-or-nothing attitude most alcoholics have.  Since I just spent a few minutes talking to a new guy maybe I can save every man, woman, and child on earth.

How about just talking to the new guy?  

"It was then discovered that when one alcoholic had planted in the mind of another the true nature of his malady, that person could never be the same again."  Step One Page 23 12&12

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