Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Desert

Another great hiking trip to The Desert.  I don't know what it is about the desert but I really like being in the desert.  I think part of it is that there are no people around and when I say no people I mean NO people.  Some of the hiking takes us up onto ridges and into hills where we can see evidence of the existence of people - houses, cars, roads - but we're too high to see the people themselves and some of the hikes go back into canyons where there are just no people.  I couldn't live in that kind of environment permanently but it's sure nice to visit from time to time.   I don't realize on a day to day basis how accustomed I am to the background hum and racket of people so it's a little jarring when I'm away from it - just the scuff of boots on rock and sand and the blowing of wind.  Some occasional birds but not that many of them.  SuperK and I talk some but often we just hike.  It's nice to be alone.  It's nice to be with people, too, but being alone is good for the soul.

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