Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Be Careful What You Ask For

I've been increasingly careful in my sobriety to make sure I consider all of the ramifications and weird angles and improbable outcomes of actions I take.  I'm wary of asking for things or complaining about stuff because life spins off consequences in ways I don't anticipate.

I have a friend here in the complex who's a complainer.  Not a bitcher, I don't think, but rather one of those people who immediately takes action whenever he sees something he doesn't like.  I'm more low key - I figure things work themselves out most of the time and I'm fretful about setting trains into motion because trains seem to run over me or jump the tracks and smash shit up.  A good train sitting quietly on a side track is okay by me.

Anyway, my buddy uses the small exercise room attached to our pool here before he joins me to swim.  I noticed recently that the gym was closed while the pool remained open.  Because of CoVid restrictions in our area private facilities like this can be completely closed or allowed to remain open or any hybrid in-between.  I've been grateful that our owners have kept the pool open while a number of adjoining communities have kept them completely shuttered.  A few months ago the pool heater went out, preventing me from swimming for a week or two.  I let management know about the problem and then kept my mouth shut.  It wasn't their fault and they ordered the part to remedy the outage, which took a week to arrive.  I wasn't happy about it but I didn't see the point in raising a fuss.  Things break sometimes, you know?

Anyway, seems my buddy was irritated enough about a number of matters - matters that seem minor to me - to email the park manager to complain and - here's the kicker - he cc'd her boss.  He shows up the next day and the gym is shuttered "because of the county's restrictions against exercise clubs" according to the manager.  I suspect she got tired of fucking around with this guy and figured it would be easier to just close the whole gym.

I had to giggle under my breath.  Set a train in motion and you never know what'll happen.

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