Monday, June 1, 2020

Grateful Seaweed

Grateful:  Appreciative; thankful.

An extensive study was done where a group of people was asked to record their thoughts about gratitude while another group wrote down the stuff that annoyed them.  The results?  The group that kept a Gratitude List began to report a greater sense of optimism and well-being, and the effect actually began to show up in their blood pressure and heart rate and sleep patterns.  The longer the gratitude people persisted at this exercise the more pronounced the results.

One important caveat must be pointed out: "It was not enough to be conscious of one's advantages; one had to be grateful for them.  Advantages alone - even awareness of them - weren't enough, perhaps because they can be lost.  Gratitude, on the other hand, was an affirmation that the world gave you things, and might continue to do so."

Boy, those sponsors and their gratitude lists.

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