Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Pustule Blitzkrieg

Balance:  Mental equilibrium; calmness, a state of remaining clearheaded and unperturbed.

So I get this thing on my lower eyelid, sort of a zit-like pustule, except it's on my lower eyelid and not my face, continuing my unbroken string of high-school-like behavior.  For those of you born without eyelids and unfamiliar with this particular body part, it abuts the eye itself.  It touches the eye.  It is in contact with the eye.  If you can imagine a part of your body that - when swollen - would irritate the eye itself more than the lower eyelid, I urge you to write me personally at: "You Got Fuckin' Nuthin', CA, USA."

Here are some words I enjoy with pustules . . . 
Angry - as in "that's an angry looking wound."
Massage: as in "I don't care how much this stings you need to massage the pustule from time to time."
Express - as in "once the infection causing the angry-looking wound has progressed sufficiently the infection will express its ass out of the wound."  And into the eye itself, I may add, with a lower eyelid infection, infecting the eye itself.

The one thing that I do with a wound is to frequently poke around the general area which is the one thing you're never supposed to do.  This irritates the wound, it makes it look worse, all while not doing anything to improve the situation.  I guess I figure I can make it heal faster.  I don't know why I think this, except that in a general way, I believe that if I furiously push buttons and pull levers and turn knobs that I'll get where I want to go, and right fast.

Anyway, when my body is barking at me I either figure that I have cancer and need to charter a private jet to the Mayo Clinic or I try to ignore the afflicted area, pretending that nothing's wrong.  If I need to do something I wait forever and if I should practice some patience I fly off the handle.  I don't like to wait for an outcome.  While my body seems to gather itself, marshal its defenses, and handle the situation, I want 25 Panzer Divisions storming across the border in a furious Blitzkrieg.

Did you know that Blitzkrieg means "Lightning War?"  

True fact.

I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight is I didn't also provide this definition:
Pustule:  A small accumulation of pus in the dermis or epidermis.

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