Thursday, January 11, 2018

Deal With It, Seaweed

Problem:  A difficulty that has to be resolved or dealt with.

See, that right there is interesting, the idea that a problem is a difficulty that has to be addressed.  There is solution shit in the definition of the word problem.  I thought that a problem was something to be avoided or repressed, buried under a mountain of self-denial, drowned in a sea of alcohol, obscured by a bank of dope smoke.

When I was really struggling with all of the death my Program buddies would bounce ideas off me, throw queries my way, make me look at my actions in a different light or at an odd angle, often ending the session with "Well, sounds like you're taking a lot of good action."  

Sheesh.  I was hoping for an answer, not a bromide.

Sometimes all I have to say in a similar instance is: "Man.  You're really going to be able to help someone some day."  This is a long way from believing that a problem is something to vanquish.  I want problems to go away.  I don't want to grow from them or learn something new or put on some emotional muscle mass.  I want to blow right by them in my Very Expensive Car.

Zoom Zoom.

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