Saturday, July 15, 2017

Please Leave A Message At The Tone

As a former salesman I have a lot of experience with The Telephone.  I use it a lot to call other men in The Program.  I call a lot more men than call me.  This is OK in my way of thinking - I'm a phone guy and most people aren't.  Maybe I'm just better at reaching out using a telephone than most people are.  Then again maybe I'm not as interesting as I think I am.  It's possible that other men are looking at my name in their phone book and saying: "Nah."

As a former salesman who has not received return phone calls from thousands and thousands of prospective customers I have very little tolerance for the non-return-call.  If I call someone and they don't call back, I give the individual a pass.  Do it twice and You're Outta The Phone Book!  I'm serious - I don't take any shit in my retirement vis-a-vis the phone.  And I don't let a name lie fallow in my Phone Book, either, in the hope that someday I'll call again.  You're calling me back or you're off the list.  Some people get tossed and then re-saved, sometimes multiple times, but most get sheared right the hell off.  I have NO tolerance for people who don't return calls.  

This is a capital offense in Seaweed World.  This is one of dozens of capital offenses in Seaweed World, a world known for bitchy intolerance.

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