Friday, November 4, 2016

Urban Wictionaryapedia

Some more words that I've looked up so that I may better understand a concept, and then have promptly forgotten many, many times.

Expectation:  The prospect of the future; grounds upon which something excellent is expected to occur; prospect of anything good to come, especially of property or rank.

Yeah, well, there's no baggage with that concept.  Why would I ever be disappointed when I expect the future to offer up something excellent in the areas of stuff or prestige?  I don't know why they didn't add sex so as to cover all of the three instincts that cause me so much trouble.

Acceptance:  A receiving of something offered, with approbation, satisfaction, or acquiescence; especially favorable reception.

Yeah, well, what the hell does that mean and why don't I ever do it?  So the idea is that something is given - no qualification as to whether it's good or crappy - and I receive it favorably.   Good luck with that.

Acquiescence:  To rest satisfied, or apparently satisfied, or to rest without opposition and discontent (usually implying previous opposition or discontent).  

The italics are mine.  I needed to make sure that I understood that acceptance implies that I don't bitch when the shit I didn't like didn't get fixed to my satisfaction or the thing that I wanted - be it money, power, or sex - didn't land magically in my lap.  I get something I'm OK with it.

Linear:  Made in a step by step, logical manner.

Shifting gears here a bit in my pompous wordsmithing I offer up this concept that has come up often in my Grief Group; as in, recovering from loss is not linear, you don't progress on a pre-determined time frame.  I'm impressed with how well some people have gotten along and surprised at how  mired some others are in their grief.

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