Saturday, November 5, 2016

May You Be Happy

Courage:  The quality of a confident character not to be afraid or intimidated easily but without being incautious or inconsiderate.

I don't remember why I wanted to look up this word.  Nonetheless, it's a good word.  "Incautious" means reckless.  It's good for me to balance a lack of fear with a healthy fear.  I did a lot of stupid stuff when I was drinking.  Ah, who am I kidding - I do a lot of stupid stuff today, it's just somewhat less stupid.

I've been doing a guided meditation where the theme is to imagine 4 different characters: yourself; someone you know well and love deeply; someone you know by sight but not on an intimate personal level; and someone you really don't like.  I guess "imagine" is the wrong word as it implies believing in something created in your own mind.  I'd say "envision" is a better choice.  I have no interest in creating myself in my own mind unless I can be a rock star.

On a side note SuperK and I went and listened to some blues last night and we hit the dance floor for one song where I found out that I am definitely not going to be able to pirouette around for a two hour set as the lead guitarist for a hard rock band called KonKrete or Master of Disgust.

Spandex complimented me on a recent blog where I explored the meaning of a few different words so now, of course, I'm getting carried away although that might imply that someone is picking me up and carrying me away and good luck with that.

The point of the meditation - before I forget what that I'm talking about - is to consider these visualizations for a bit and then to recite the following affirmations.

May you be happy.
May you be healthy and well.
May you be free from mental and physical suffering.
May you live without fear and have peace in all ways.

Now "may" means expressing a wish and a "wish" is a thing desired or longed for.

Am I being kind to myself and to those I love and to the people who I run into all of the time but don't know well and to the few individuals that are forcing my brain to override my body's basic desire to choke the shit out of some asshole who desperately needs it?

You tell me.

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