Friday, September 2, 2016

Of Goats and Ack-Ack Guns

Get My Goat: A theory which purports to explain this phrase is that goats were placed with racehorses to keep them calm.  When ne'er-do-wells wanted a rival's horse to race badly they removed the goat; i.e., they "got someone's goat." 

So I haven't written for a while.  I've thought about this during the course of many days, figuring I should do some writing but not picking up the keyboard.  Most of the reason is that I've been on a pretty good run of feeling pretty good and haven't had as much to bitch and whine about as I normally do.  And it's not that I don't have stuff to bitch and whine about - rather that I'm not letting the stuff get my goat.

Personally I've never seen a goat at a racetrack.

Part of the reason that I write is that it helps me work out irritating stuff.  So am I saying that I don't need to ponder the origin, the ins and the outs of the good stuff?  That makes appallingly little sense.  But I do like the concept of having irritating stuff around and not letting it irritate me.  That frees me from the burden of trying to purge my existence of all things irritating which is shockingly hard to do.  Take my word for it - I dedicated the first thirty years of my life trying to twist and warp everything to my liking, especially the irritating things.

This is all theoretical.  The reality check is more Big Financial Institution fun and games.

There are still 7 financial institutions who are rampaging out of control with many of my goats.  This is down from about 22 at the start.  I'm making a lot of progress against the goat-stealing sons of bitches but they're throwing up a withering defense.  They're like cornered rats, ferocious in the defense of their rat young.  I bet I never flush all of them out.  They're going to be like those enemy soldiers who, unaware that the war is over, are hiding out in a primordial jungle on an isolated island.  I wouldn't be surprised to see a kamikaze plane, emblazoned with the corporate slogan for JP Morgan or UBS Paine Weber coming in fast and low, making a bee line for my trailer house, wing cannons blazing.  I can see my neighbors glance at the ack-ack guns I have hidden in my palm trees, but they never say anything.  A well-oiled ack-ack gun has that effect. 

A tip of the cap to Terry S who commented:

"I'm not even sure what country you're from. There's a lot to read, which I like."

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