Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Whimsical Things

Fun:  enjoyable; amusing; playful, often noisy, activity.

Guy at Starbucks took my order today and then said, overly brightly: "So what are you going to do that's fun today?"

That question always takes me by surprise.  I feel like I'm supposed to come up with some really whimsical thing, like dressing up as a clown or skipping down a country lane, singing "La la la la."

"I'm going to shoot heroin," I said, turning quickly away.  That shut him up, the nosy fucker.

I hate the concept of fun almost as much as I hate the concept of happiness.  I'm not opposed to happy fun things, mind you, just that I have a personality that chases it to my own severe detriment.  I'm Teutonic, for god's sake - we accomplish things, we engage in satisfying activities that have a purpose and a conclusion.  We don't plan "fun" days.

And this is why I drank.

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