Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Fox, Spirit Guide

I was on an uphill segment of this latest hike when up and over the next crest came a little, low-to-the-ground dog, trotting down the middle of the trail at a good pace, looking right at me.  It's not uncommon to pass the occasional hiker who has brought along their animal and my experience has been that they're invariably well-behaved - the dogs, that is, the people can be assholes.  As a general rule I'm not afraid of dogs, anyhow.  As a more specific rule I'm even less afraid of little dogs when I'm carrying my hiking pole, adorned at the top with a big, wood gripping handle, or "little dog thrasher," if you will.

He cruises down the trail, looking me in the eye, before making a hard turn right and disappearing without a rustle into the heavy brush lining the trail, flashing the unmistakable profile of what was actually a small fox.  I'm not a goofy spiritual guy but I really dug seeing this dude blow by me, just out doing his thing, hunting or looking for a lady fox or trying to get away from a boy fox, maybe taking a stroll, I don't know.  It's why I get out into the middle of nowhere.  It helps me quiet my mind.  There is nothing to hear but the sounds of nature and my boots scuffing the ground, maybe the muted curses of someone who has taken an embarrassing tumble.

Here's what my shaman whispered into my ear:  "There are various species of fox, but they all share the extreme cleverness and cunning that paved the way for the expression "sly as a fox." Fox urges us to develop the art of camouflage, invisibility, and shape shifting.  Fox's power lies in not being able to outrun the hounds, but to know in advance when they will be out hunting. They then use their ability to camouflage.  When we learn to detach from our surroundings and to use all our sense to be observant, we will also be able to anticipate and create the future.  Fox can show you that your actions may be too obvious and the need to learn to be more discreet.  Fox is a wise, potent teacher for those who choose to live conscious and deliberate lives.  Those with fox as a spirit guide are frequently smart and witty but must remember to keep their crafty and clever demeanor balanced or it could backfire."

There was a LOT going on in that few seconds on the trail.

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