Sunday, July 26, 2015

Post Pondering

Ponder:  To consider (something) carefully and thoroughly; to chew over, to mull over.

I am done with the new meeting pondering.  It is doing me no good unless being irritated or judgmental or prickly is something I find helpful.  Most meetings start when a few people have a resentment and a coffee pot, and this is the case here.  The people who leave are generally irritated at the people who stay which irritates the people who stay.  The people who leave seem surprised at this and then irritated that the people who stay are judging them unfairly, believing that their departure is none of the people who stay's business.  While this is nominally true it still shouldn't be a surprise to an individual who rejects a group of people wholesale that the rejected people don't enjoy this.  If I don't like you it isn't any of your business.  If I say to your face: "I don't like you," it still isn't any of your business but I can hardly be surprised if you suggest, with some fervor, that I go do something to myself which is anatomically impossible.

Everybody's a little irritated and most of us will get over it.  Sounds like The Fellowship in all of it's glory.

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