Monday, February 9, 2015

Suicide . . . er, Travel . . . is Painless, It Brings on Many Changes

Change:  The process of becoming different.

Back home in lovely, lovely Vacation City, enjoying the comfort of my home and the peace and quiet of the area, I find myself returning again and again to the Why? of travel.  Why do I do this?  Why do I put myself though this nipple wringer?

To me it's like this: when I'm in my routine, going to meetings, exercising, reading, meeting up with friends and family, I have to admit that it's pretty pleasant.  It's not a painful existence that I lead and I enjoy doing these things.  I'm not going to stop doing them, either, which would be counterproductive for a drunk who's entire raison d'etre is to feel physical comfort and avoid physical pain, and I'm not slighting emotional, mental, and spiritual pain when I say that.

That being said after a month of these activities I'm more or less the same person I was when the month started.  I'm not being stretched by any sense of the word.  I go to India and Nepal - which, by the way, is still kicking my ASS even though I've been home for 3 days - and I come back very much changed.

That's the thing about change - it's not always the easiest thing in the world

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