Monday, February 2, 2015

Step Two? Step Two!

The soap here in Kathmandu smells like airplane glue.  I shit you not.  The first night I started to lather up and I thought that the maid had sprayed some industrial cleaner on the bars.  Still standing under the water I tossed them in the garbage and fumbled with my wet fingers to tear the paper off of a new piece.  It smelled like airplane glue.  I lathered, rinsed, and exited the shower.

SuperK and I had a meeting last night where we read Step 2.  When we were traveling early in our sobriety to places where we didn't have access to meetings we would do this more frequently than we do now.  Shame on us, I guess, but it is understandable - it takes a little more chaos for our asses to fall off.  Anyway, we had a good meeting and like most good meetings I heard a few things that surprised me, a few things that I wouldn't have suspected coming out of a meeting on Step 2.  This is why we go to meetings.  It isn't a formulaic thing.  It comes at you at strange angles in unpredictable times.

She brought up the excellent, excellent point that she could reconstruct every single day of our 30 day trip in exact detail, including the food we ate at every meal.  One of the reasons that I like new experiences, challenging ones especially, is that it really makes you get into the minute.  At home I have trouble remembering the day before yesterday let alone what I ate 3 weeks ago but I had to admit - I was right there with her.  I could recite the itinerary myself.

The second excellent, excellent point was that we have found ourselves in a situation for which we have no frame of reference - it is that new.  So like good drunks we try to jam the experience into the template of an experience for which we have some frame of reference.  This is not The States or Europe or South America, and we're going to suffer the more we try to make it understandable.  We can prepare but we can't predict.

I, on the other hand, had nothing particularly interesting to say.

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