Sunday, April 13, 2014

Zee Mental Anxiety

Worry:  To be troubled; to give way to mental anxiety.

I was looking over my notes from the big travel day - Vacation Town to Barcelona.  Almost nothing worked as advertised but we ended up here in one piece, none the worse for wear, except for some frazzle and tatter on the fringes.  Once again - worrying about things is the hugest waste of time in the history of mankind.

I've made a deal with my Higher Power which I break on a daily basis - I do the work and hp handles the worrying.

Barcelona K accompanied us back to an excellent restaurant where I had worked on my Spanish a week or so ago, despite our waiter's willingness to speak English.  Dude remembered us and tossed a few goodies onto our table - no charge.  Made me feel good about my attempts to honor another culture, butcher-style.  One of those little instances where I felt like I made a difference even though it didn't feel that way at the time, being a Big Splash kind of guy - you know, treats everybody like shit most of the time and then does something nice when it's going to be noticed.  There are lots of little instances like that in the course of a day and I ignore them at my emotional peril.

The street outside our apartment, two floors down, is narrow and very Medieval, and there is no strip of grass or nice median - concrete street and two sidewalks.  The four or five story buildings are closely spaced.  Sound is intensified and bounces straight up and out to the stratosphere.  But there aren't any cars to speak of so what we hear is this kind of gentle shushing, murmuring sound, almost as if we're in the foyer of a symphony hall before the Bach starts up.

Of course, there's construction going on in a 200 year old building across the street.  The jackhammer sound is also intensified right into my brain.  We've been tired enough that we can sleep through come nap time.  It's been pretty funny.

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