Sunday, April 27, 2014

Of Ibogast and Spasmocalm

I've always liked the adder "thy will be done."  It makes my praying a lot easier.  I'm wary of any praying that includes a list of things that I want or don't want because what I want or don't want isn't in my best interests a lot of the time.  But I've heard a lot of people talk about the power of prayer over the years and I don't want to short myself on anything that's going to help me get better.  I have a history of turning up my nose when prayer is the topic and this has been to my detriment.  Prayer can be powerful and I think my higher power listens to what I say and I bet he grants my wishes from time to time but never when I'm demanding things go my way.  So I want the benefits of praying while avoiding the pitfalls of praying.  It can be a tricky line for an ass like me.

When SuperK was suffering from her stomach virus BarcelonaK offered to accompany her to a pharmacy to seek a fix.  After some back and forth we bought a product called Ibogast.  It smelled kind of funky so we had a conversation about whether or not it had any . . . you know, alcohol in it.  

"It can't have any alcohol," BarcelonaK proposed.  "It's OK for kids."

SuperK took the medicine for 5 or 6 days - a very small dosage of 20 drops in a glass of water.  It didn't really do anything to make her feel better.  That's typical of most simple colds or flus - you can take medicine and it'll go away in about 2 weeks or you can do nothing and you'll be well in 14 days.  SuperK - on the cusp of her 26 year sobriety anniversary, kept insisting that the smell was just too weird.  Finally, we dug up some info on the internet and discovered that it's about 30% alcohol.

Not a worry - that's about the amount of alcohol that occurs in fruit that's overly ripe and it's going to make a great story for her to tell on her 27th anniversary.  Plus, I think with sobriety you add up all the days you've stayed sober and that's your total - it doesn't really count if you drink a little in between or smoke some medicinal marijuana or shoot some non-addictive heroin. 

I'm not gonna check that with my sponsor.

I also bought a product for her called Spasmocalm.  I made the purchase after a long and spirited discussion with a couple of French pharmacy employees.  The reasons for selecting this product were that I was too embarrassed to leave without buying something and how cool a name is Spasmocalm, anyway?  Pretty cool.

We're trying to get some laundry done using a French-themed washing machine and a French-themed dryer, which may or may not be working.  There has been a French maid bustling around the whole time throwing out helpful hints and ominous warnings as we've been doing this.   It is taking a really, really long time.  It makes SuperK miss her hometown washer and dryer with the English instructions and voluminous cavity that would hold all of the laundry of the People's Republic of China.

I'm staying the hell away from that operation.

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