Sunday, August 26, 2012


Suggest:  To propose (someone or something) as a possibility.

I don't believe that there is a better mix of personal responsibility and group support to be found anywhere in the world than there is in The Program.  If you want help, we are going to give you help.  We are well equipped to give you help, being a collection of control-freak, know-it-alls.  We'll help alright.  We'll help you until it hurts; we'll help you until you scream; we'll help you until WE scream. And the great thing about the help is that it comes in so many different sizes and shapes and flavors.  Everybody finds someone to identify with in The Program.  We invariably hear someone share Their Story and think: "Wow.  Did that guy have a camera in my room because he's like telling everybody what I did."

But if you don't want the help we don't force it on you.  It pains us but we are excellent providers of rope; as in: how much rope do you need to hang yourself?  All of us get to find our own way in our recovery.  Many of us find it in The Rooms; many of us find it in all kinds of outside groups such as religious organizations and other self-help groups; and many of us never find it at all.  But the key is the no rules policy.  I know my hackles were frozen in the fully Up position when I came in - I was just looking for someone to tell me what to do so I could say: "See!  You're just like everyone else: criticizing me for what I do.

They are, after all, suggested Steps.

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