Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Long Home Run

Long:  Measuring much from end to end in space or time; not short or brief.

It all works out in the long run.  Life is more fair than I care to admit or at least equally unfair to all of us.  Rain falls on the wicked and on the just, despite my constant bitching to the contrary.  I've had some bad stuff happen to me and some really great stuff and a whole hell of a lot of stuff that falls in between.  It's just that if you listen to me talk you'd think that I was standing in my personal downpour all of the time.  I act like that cartoon character who walks around with his head wrapped up in a tiny, teeny thunderstorm; lightning flashing, heavy rain, peels of thunder, mini tornadoes spinning off, the whole bit.

Maybe that's why so few people seem to listen to me.

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