Saturday, July 14, 2012

Welcome, Seaweed!

I heard this at a meeting this morning: "I've been sober most of the last 15 years."  D'oh!  I don't think that she really gets what we're trying to do here.

I also spoke to a woman before the meeting started about a work experience that both of us have in common.  I make an effort to reach out when I'm attending a new meeting - it's the best way to get to know people - and at my regular meetings I make an effort to welcome people that I don't know - this is the best way to help people feel included.  That hasn't happened at this meeting.  That's OK in my case, being well established in my recovery, but I don't think it's something that a group should be proud of.  These people don't know if I'm new to the area, new to the meeting, or just new to sobriety.  They should try to find out, in my opinion.

The woman was mildly pleasant but short and not at all welcoming.  She let me know that she wasn't experiencing any of the things that had vexed me.  I didn't pursue the conversation and I won't talk to this woman again, unbidden.  I like the meeting and I'm going to keep going to it.  And I try to be understanding when dealing with people I don't know.  Maybe she was tired or preoccupied with a problem; maybe she misinterpreted my intent or doesn't like men.  Maybe she doesn't like me.

I flashed back to my friend saying: "I try to make everyone I run into smile."

Simple as that.

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