Monday, July 30, 2012

Wellington's Ooze

Behavior:  A manner of behaving; actions; conduct; manners.

Behavior is hard to change.  Good behavior, bad behavior, and everything in between.  When I've been behaving the same way for ever and ever I seem to be on auto-pilot as far as my actions are concerned.

And it's the behaviors that I don't like - the vast majority of my behaviors - that cause me more problem than the good behaviors, which may be one of the stupidest points that I've ever tried to make.  It assumes that I'm behaving well and that I'm then trying to change that behavior.  In the rare instances that my actions are sound and healthy believe you me that I try to go with it, although I can take something that's good for me and run it into the ground.  Take for instance waking up on Take A Hike day and finding that I have a broken leg, Wellington's Ooze, and there's a hurricane-blizzard a-blowing outside but I still Take A Hike.

There's a great Simpson's episode where Homer has an inclination to say something stupid and he's negotiating with his brain.  He asks for help so that he doesn't say something stupid.  The next words out of his mouth are the stupid ones that he was trying so hard not to say.

I can definitely identify.  I can convince myself that some topic or concept is off limits yet I'm drawn to it over and over.  I don't even know it's happening most of the time.  Stuff comes out, it FLIES out of my mouth.  It's as if I have no control over what I'm saying.  This is why I'm better off not talking than saying anything at all.

Sponsor:  "Seaweed, if someone thinks that you're stupid, open your mouth and remove all doubt."

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