Monday, July 16, 2012

So Far . . .

I heard this at a meeting this morning: "I spent the last two years helping care for my ailing mother and I stayed sober most of that time."  D'oh!  I don't think that guy gets what we're trying to do, either.

This is a new meeting for me.  It's a large meeting - about 50 people at 6:30 in the morning, if you can believe that - and I don't really know anyone there.  My preference in meetings is to have about 20 attendees: large enough to simply listen if I don't want to talk but small enough so that I have the opportunity to get something off my chest if I want to.

So far, I'm not a big fan of this big meeting.  So far, I'm not the center of attention there.  People aren't flooding around to make sure that I feel welcome.  They're not calling on me.  They're not including me in everything that they do.  So my solution is to go find the new person.  Go find the visitor from out of town.  Seek out the person standing alone.

Did I mention that the chairwoman read out of Step 7, the Humility Step, to establish a topic?  I'm under full humility attack this week.  I really starting to get sick of humility.

The lessons are obviously not sinking in.

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