Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Stuff This

Stuff:  To put fraudulent votes into (a ballot box).

The final topic that dominated my journal was Stuff -- the current condition of and possible ramifications surrounding moving, selling, buying, using, comparing, and dispensing of said Stuff.  Boy, I worry a lot about my Stuff and then I forget what I was worrying about and then I remember and start worrying again unless some new Stuff related situations rear their ugly heads, which they invariably do.  There were pieces of Stuff that seemed incredibly important at the time and it was devastating when they were lost, stolen, damaged, scratched, ruined, thrown or given away, or ferociously ground into microscopic bits of cosmic dust, left to circle some dead planet devoid of all life with an atmosphere of methane gas in a solar system far, far away.  I can say today with a great deal of honesty, as implausible as that may sound: I really don't care.

Sometimes I ponder how it's possible that we're living in a Space that is 25% as large as the last place we had.  How did all of that Stuff fit into such a small place?  And I miss the luxury of all the extra Space that we didn't need or really use all that much.  I miss some of the Stuff that filled all of that Space in an indefinite, useless-craving sort of way even though I can't really remember what any of it was.  I never say: "Damn!  I could really use that particular piece of Stuff."  I don't miss any of it.  It must not have been all that important. 

So much of the Stuff that was damaged during the move and is now gone.  I don't know where it is any more.  I can't believe I was so upset about the damage done to those things.  We gave a lot of Stuff away and I still have a tendency to calculate how much I paid for it and how much I got for it and I feel a twinge of regret for getting so totally and completely screwed.  Just a twinge, though, because most of this Stuff was virtually worthless.  But the Stuff I tried to sell!  Wow, that was an eye-opener.  I've always liked the theorem that "you aren't as interesting to other people as you are to yourself."  A wonderful, fabulous corollary is "your Stuff isn't as valuable to others as it is to you."   It's very easy for me to say: "I paid $100 for that piece of Stuff and I only sold it for $15."  It seems a huge loss of income for me even though the thing was old and outdated and worn out and broken and basically a piece of crap.


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