Saturday, August 27, 2011


Here's the minor Buddhist again, trying to convince practical German peasants like me that meditation is worth my time: "Suddenly the solution is there.  It just pops out of the deep mind and you say, 'Ah ha!' and the whole thing is solved."  When I first read the famous Promises of AA lore I marveled at how empty and indistinct they seemed.  Today I marvel at how utterly profound they are.  One of the great Promises suggests that "we will intuitively know how to handle situations that used to baffle us."  I was skeptical of this dubious idea at first.  

Some of us think these solutions are god-centered and come from a place not of this world.  Some of us think that the mind is an amazing thing if we can only stop letting the superficial parts run the show, the parts that clamor for more pleasure and less pain, for more money, sex, and power.  Like most people who have worked away at this I have a thick ledger full of situations where I prayed and meditated and made a decision, sometimes on weighty matters, that seemed to run counter to logical reasoning and had the whole thing turn out wonderfully.  The Xs and the Os seemed to suggest something, and the deep circuitry led me to something else.

I don't know what to call this anymore.  Frankly, I don't care.  I don't know why I make the choices I do some of the time but it's nice not always blowing everything up while I try to talk with my foot in my mouth.  I go with the Little Man on my shoulder.  I do what he says.  All I know is that the information is coming from someplace that I don't fully understand.  It trumps my logic; it supplements my conscious mind without replacing it.

Well, I don't meditate because I LIKE meditating.

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