Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Productive Day Spent Hearsing

The worst thing about preparing myself for events in the future that have not yet happened and probably never will -- but if they do they'll surely be awful  -- is that I spend a lot of time in my head, talking to people who aren't actually there.  And right now, I'm dealing with 2 large insurance companies and 1 huge electronics outfit who are surely out to do me grievous bodily and mental harm, so my current conversations are not pleasant, not pleasant at all.  They're more along the lines of furious, power-driven arguments where I'm slicing up evil, faceless bureaucrats.  The conversations are all angry and defensive.

I sometimes wonder if I added up all the time in my life that I have spent in unpleasant conversations with non-existent people who aren't actually there how large the number would be.  Weeks, surely.  Months, maybe?  Probably several months.  That would not be out of the question.  Can you imagine approaching some Earth Person and asking them to spend the next 6 months rehearsing and rehearsing conversations, alone, that will never come to pass?  The idea is so ludicrous it's out of the question.

And if I rehearse something to prepare for the actual act, do I then hearse?  I reheat, replace, and recalculate. 

I'm going to hearse all day. 

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