Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ancient Riffs

Riff:  A melodic phrase, repeated again and again, often used as the main theme, as in a final chorus, or as background.

I have been thinking a lot -- which technically should be called obsessing, if I'm trying at all to be honest about it, which I'm obviously not trying to do -- about Doing It Right.  This is one of the most ancient of my many dysfunctional life riffs.  I tend to drift about in my own mind certain that I'm Not Doing It Right.  It's a very compelling riff.  It allows me to be unhappy with myself on short notice and with little effort.

If my schedule is full and I'm busy I wonder if I should be enjoying some reflection and down-time.  If I sit down and read the paper I'm sure that I should be out there Doing Something Productive.  And since I'm in a new environment with so much to do and so many tasks to complete it's not hard for me to feel like my effort is lacking.

So many ways to be unhappy, so little time.

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