Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Direct Hit, From the Sky

Metaphysics: The branch of philosophy that deals with first principles and seeks to explain the nature of being or reality and of the origin and structure of the world.

More shallow and fairly obvious reflections on concepts that are much, much less complicated than I perceive them to be.

I am consistently amazed at how easily I fall into the trap of thinking that things are never going to change. I'm certain, whenever I'm in any kind of physical, emotional, or metaphysical pain that it is not going to go away. This is the way that it's always going to be forever and ever, Amen. I suffer from the same blindness when I'm doing well. And I hear my sponsor's irritating voice say: "This, too, shall pass."

I really like the diversity in A.A. When I was growing up, like most uncool kids, I was obsessed with finding the key to the lock to the door of the club where all the cool kids hung out. Now I look at my friends in The Program and see everything from soup to nuts, with a heavy dose of nuts. I'm really happy about it. I went to a high school reunion a few years ago and some of the cool kids were there. I thought: "These were the cool kids?" They were fat and bald and married to harpies, for the most part. They were as consumed with themselves as adults as they were as children.

I looked around the meeting last night and was really grateful to see some of my buddies, both men and women. They didn't appear to be overly cool.

I like people intense and serious and committed. That doesn't mean they can't laugh and have fun, it's just that they don't laugh at fart jokes. I like a little more heft to my people.

I was walking to my coffee shop yesterday and felt something hit my cap, which I was very happy to be wearing. A bird -- a bird in mid-flight -- had scored a direct hit on my head.

Talk about metaphysical. I was careful crossing the street all day.

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