Saturday, November 7, 2009

Boundaries and More. Actually, Just Boundaries. There's Nothing Else

Boundary: Anything marking a limit; bound; border.

Here are some thoughts about setting boundaries worthy of Freud or Mr. Jung, the psychological father of A.A.. First of all, you should have no boundaries so that I can gain access to whatever it is you have that I want with a minimum of effort. If you insist of setting some boundaries, in a tiresome disregard of my desires, then they should be weak and easily surmounted. I don't want to have to work to get what I want. I want it to come easily.

On the other hand, I get to construct some very formidable boundaries. I'm thinking along the lines of a well defended compound, maximum security stuff, with razor wire and moats and electrified fences and lots of guards in the those little turrets, with shotguns and halogen search lights that can fix you in their icy glare with the slightest movement. You need to behave the way I want you to behave.

I don't think any of this stuff is in the Big Book. I'm not checking, either.

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