Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Things That I'll Never Get . . .

Don't you wish that you could see the consequences of something before you took action? How sweet would that be? You could just say: "Well, I'm not going to change jobs because the new one isn't going to work out." You could make the best, wisest decisions all of the time. You would never regret an action because you would always be doing the right thing. You would absolutely glow with self-confidence.

This would be helpful in almost every situation but it would be golden with the big decisions. I think that when we ponder something that takes a big leap of faith -- a huge leap of faith -- like having children or getting married (not necessarily in that order) or moving to a new city or divorcing a wife who is really getting on your nerves, we have to step off of the cliff at some point. I ask people considering such things if they have done their due diligence: prayed about it, written about it, discussed it with friends and colleagues, and the like. Then you do something or you don't. It works out to your liking or it doesn't.

If I wait for the timing to be exactly right in my own head, I never do anything. I'm still a little afraid of pain, of failure, and I'm still a little too addicted to ease and pleasure. I want somebody to tell me that it's going to work out. This is why I need that Steve to God hot-line on my bed stand. A quick call before I take action for confirmation.

"Uh, god, this is what I'm planning on saying to SuperK."
"B-Man, I'm going to recommend against that. Here's what will happen."

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