Thursday, January 18, 2024

Those Kooky Sri Lankan Monastics . . .

Arrogant:  Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
Antagonistic:  A person who is actively hostile or opposes something; an adversary.

"Faith and morality is knowing that something is true because you have seen it work, because you have observed that very thing within yourself.  In the same way, morality is not a ritualistic obedience to some exterior, imposed code of behavior.  It is rather a healthy habit pattern which you have consciously and voluntarily chosen to impress upon yourself because you recognize its superiority to your present behavior. 

The purpose of meditation is personal transformation.  It changes your character by a process of sensitization, by making you deeply aware of your own thoughts, words, and deeds.  Your arrogance evaporates and your antagonism dries up.  Your mind becomes still and calm.  And your  life smoothes out.  Thus meditation properly performed prepares you to meet the ups and downs of existence.  It reduces your tension, your fear, and your worry.  Restlessness recedes, and passion moderates.  Things begin to fall into place and your life becomes a glide instead of a struggle.  All of this happens through understanding.

Meditation sharpens your concentration and your thinking power.  Then, piece by piece, your own subconscious motives and mechanics become clear to you.  Your intuition sharpens.  The precision of your thought increases and gradually you come to a direct knowledge of things as they really are, without prejudice and without illusion.

These are just promises on paper.  Learn to do it right, and do it.  See for yourself."

Venerable Henepola Gunaratana - Sri Lankan Monastic  

Normally when I find something as profound as this I copy it word for word and then pretend like it's mine, but this is so obviously above my pay grade and intellectual capabilities that I can't be bothered to make the effort this morning.  Eh, who am I kidding?  Everyone knows most of what I post are lies and fabrications so why would some harmless plagiarism be a big deal?  This is good stuff, though, good stuff to answer the question: "Why should I meditate?" or "Why should I keep meditating when I continue to suck at it?"

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