Saturday, January 27, 2024

One, Two, Three, There Goes My So-Bry-Ih-Tee

 I can remember three instances in my sobriety where I've knowingly taken alcohol into my mouth or body, or at least I think I did:

1.  Big swig of a glass of "water with ice" that my closet-alcoholic, secret-drinker father left on the back of the sink.  Pure vodka.  Spit that one out.

2. A couple of sips of an odd tasting "fruit drink" that we were given gratis at a restaurant in Buenos Aires.  I had confirmed with the waiter - in my shitty Spanish - that the drink was alcohol free.  "Totally alcohol free," he said confidently.  Pause a beat . . . wait for it . . . "just a little champagne."

3.  A mouthful of "rum" raisin ice cream that I bought in a little town in France.  The small store had chocolate, vanilla, and rum raisin, and I was sick of the chocolate so I bought what I assumed was a non-alcoholic ice cream that might have a faint taste of synthetic flavoring in it.  "Are you crazy?" SuperK asked when she saw the purchase.  I tried a mouthful and spit it out immediately.  I looked at the ingredients on the carton: 40% alcohol.  The ice cream wouldn't even freeze, sloshing around in a semi-gelid state.  Only in France can you buy 80 proof ice cream.  It reminded me of the vending machines in Japan that had cans of beer available.  I didn't even want the ice cream in our freezer so I tried to melt it with hot water in the sink.  Fumes of alcohol, clouds of it, were choking me as I tried to clear the drain that was clogged with raisins.  That was quite the scene.

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