Thursday, January 4, 2024

Scary Stories and Future Wreckage

Perspective:  To think about a situation or a problem in a wise and reasonable way; to compare something to other things so that it can be accurately and fairly judged.

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

A little bit more in '24!

I ran across this aphorism yesterday, a reminder to me to stay in the moment: "Living in the wreckage of my future."  It seems to fit in well with my Jan 4 daily meditation reading from a  book of Native American bits and pieces of wisdom: "To the Cherokee, worry is the woodpecker, pecking away on the roof.  It is easy to understand that even new wood cannot bear such hammering without giving way.  Imagine what would happen to a roof which has already been through storms and many hot summers.  Worry did not crash in suddenly.  It entered our lives little by little, so that we did not notice.  Surely it will go away, but it takes its toll so gradually that we grow accustomed to it - thinking it is just a normal part of living."

What is it about conservatives and politics?  Everytime I run into someone I haven't seen for a while they immediately unload some thinly veiled and clearly conspiratorial opinion of the state of the world today.  And then laugh, as if it's a big joke.  Really?  How about a how ya doin'?  How's SuperK?  Nice day we're having.  Something like that.  It's not even about the political view - it's about a need to be confrontational right out of the chute.  When I see someone who has different political views than me I don't immediately launch a shot across their bow.  How about some meaningless chit-chat?  Anything that isn't argumentative.

I like this comment, too, when delivered to someone worrying about future events, making them seem real: "Are you telling yourself scary stories again?"

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