Friday, December 29, 2023

Killing Time

At the beginning of the day it can feel like there's a lot of time ahead of me.  Then, at the end of the day, I haven't had enough time to do all the things that I wanted to do.  There I sit, ready to say goodbye to the day, unsatisfied at all the stuff I wanted to do but didn't do.  I'm amazed at my tendency to say things like "killing time" or "wasting time."  What does that mean, anyway?  From time to time SuperK and I will say: "Well, that's an hour of my time that I'll never get back" when reflecting on something that felt like  a waste.  Is any of my time useless?  Why don't I look at every minute as worthwhile and necessary?  Then I wouldn't feel so annoyed at what didn't get done.

This morning a friend of mine said this to me when I was giving her a pass for missing some meetings to spend time with her daughter who is visiting from Norway - Norway, for chrissake! - " I thought of you last night saying that you didn't get sober to sit in A.A. meetings."  It's a source of constant amazement to me that someone remembers any of the crap that I bring up in meetings.  Don't they have anything better to do with their time?

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