Sunday, December 3, 2023

Angry Chris

The guy that chaired our meeting yesterday was a regular for a number of years before moving on to other groups.  He has about seven years of sobriety and there were a surprising number of members in attendance with about the same amount.  I love listening to people who have made it to that five to seven year window.  I believe we lose sight of a lot of people then - not necessarily to drinking but often just to complacency and ennui - but the ones that stay seem to a member to pass through into a greater realm where I perceive a real deep sense of calmness and spiritual comfort instead of looking at recovery as a necessary track.  It's so remarkable that I can see the peace reflected in their faces.

His informal nickname early on was Angry Chris because the dude was  . . . well . . . pretty angry.  I found out soon after that he didn't really like hugs so I made sure to hug him at least twice in each meeting and if I was chairing I announced that Chris really liked hugs.  It was like hugging a board.  Dude didn't move.  He was not relaxed during the hugs.  Then, a while later, I told him that I loved him.  The expression on his face!  Like I passed gas that was so offensive as to be almost lethal.  Then guess what I did?  Went out of my way to express my affection when I saw him and when he was leaving.  That's my specialty - finding a sore spot and probing it over and over.  Yesterday he hugged me first and he told me he loved me.  

Great, wondrous shit, man.  Unbelievable shit.

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