Wednesday, July 29, 2020


"Today I am not going to think about what I have to do.  I'm just going to do it, hoping that's what my fate is.  If I have any problems that emerge I'm going to leave them alone for now, let time work on them.  I'm not going to dwell on anything that's problematic.  I'm going to try to leave them alone and see if as time goes along they straighten out all by themselves.  I can't deal with this stuff by myself so you, god, now it's your job.  You work on it and I'll do something else.  And usually god takes care of it.

Trust.  That's what I advise to anyone who asks.  You have to trust your higher power." 
Excerpt from an interview with a 92 year old man.

It's apparent that for some of us age does increase our wisdom.  I'd like to have half of what that guy has.  Maybe the next 30 years will give it to me . . . if I work at it.

Serene:  Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.
Agitated:  Angry, annoyed, bothered, or worked up; violently or chaotically moving around.

Serene Stevie?  Or Agitated Bookman?  Which is it?  Which is it going to be?

Another one of those weird stressors we find in Alcoholics Anonymous is the conflict between taking the Long View while staying In The Moment.  When I need to have some patience I flounder around in whatever current discomfort is bedeviling me and when I need to take some action I often take approximately zero action.

That goddam Serenity Prayer.  That goddam third phrase: "The wisdom to know the difference."  Am I agitating myself when I should be patient or am I fearful of taking the action I need to take?  Huh?  Huh, dude?

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