Thursday, April 30, 2020

Get . . . Away . . . From Me

Social:  Needing companionship and therefore best suited to living in communities; cooperating or growing in groups.

Individual: Single; separate; a person considered alone as opposed to belonging to a group of people.

I have had some problematic conversations with family members, friends, and fellow AA members about the shitstorm we're all living through right now.  I get it - this is a pain in the ass.  It's difficult.  It's painful.  I . . . don't . . . like . . . it  . . . either.  I also understand that whatever mental and emotional termites you have gnawing away at your serenity and peace of mind are presently boring more deeply.  They are chewing up load-bearing walls.  I find that my "restraint of tongue and pen" has been translating into "you, sir or madam, are a fucking idiot and I'm going to tell you why."  I had a testy exchange with my sister this morning - a perfectly wonderful human being - who is definitely looking at this crap from an inward looking perspective.  In my mind a self-centered "what about me?" perspective.

I did not hold my tongue.  I believe I was mostly polite and kind but I soldiered ahead, doggedly, committed to getting my point across.

Restraint:  Control or caution; reserve.

This did not go well.  You know how you can sense that someone's opinion is deeply held and firmly entrenched and you . . . are . . . not . . . going . . . to dislodge it no matter how much mental dynamite you use?  The times when you know deep down that you shut just shut your pie hole?  The funny thing is that I was going through my Gratitude List this morning and popped off a casual "how ya' doin' " email to check up on her family as we don't communicate regularly - never have.  Fifteen minutes later I'm leaving for a walk, annoyed as hell.

The other funny thing is that yesterday I wrote this big thing about love.  Yes, well, talking is easier than doing, eh wot?

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