Monday, April 20, 2020

Are You an Irritator or an Irritatee?

Irritate:  Make (someone) annoyed, impatient, or angry.  (Ed Note: what if you find yourself annoyed, inpatient, AND angry?  Which word should you use then?)
Annoy:  Irritate (someone); make (someone) a little angry.

OK, so the Zoom meetings are beginning to annoy the shit out of me.  You gotta love it, right?  What did it take?  Like a month for them to go from being a lifesaver to being a train wreck?  One of the things that I found to be a big fat positive at the start - when the technology was new and confusing and intimidating to a lot of us - was that the Over Sharers and the Long Talkers and those who are Intimidated by the Camera have overcome their reluctance to irritate me.  Alas, this intimidation factor has ceased waxing and begun waning and these irritating people have rediscovered their footing.

If you've never been to a bad meeting (meaning a meeting that irritates you) then you're not going to enough meetings.  I have to be careful with the people that irritate me on a regular basis, especially when they irritate a lot of other people on a regular basis, because then I'm tempted to seek out the other irritatees and make sly, witty comments about the irritator.  I need to keep in mind the spiritual axiom that reminds me to love someone for who they are and not who you want them to be.

It's clear that I have a manner of thinking that I can moderate and improve but that is still going to hang in there, despite my best efforts at eradication.   

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