Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Anxiety and Worry and Stress, Oh, my!

So a bit of a hiatus comes to an end.  A global pandemic has seemed to loosen my tongue.

I thought this characterization of some of the mental agonies that so many of us experience was pretty informative.  I would credit the medical professional who wrote it but I've long forgotten who that was.  Nonetheless . . . 

"Worry happens in your mind, stress happens in your body, and anxiety happens in your mind and your body.  In small doses, worry, stress and anxiety can be positive forces in our lives.  But research shows that most of us are too worried, too stressed, and too anxious.  The good news is that there are simple (not easy) steps to help regulate your symptoms: Get enough sleep; eat regular, nutritious meals; and move your body."

And I wouldn't feel good about myself without digging up some definitions.

Worry:  A strong feeling of anxiety.
Anxiety:  An unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about about some uncertain event.
Stress: Emotional pressure suffered by a human being or other animal.  

First of all, the anxiety definition totally kicks the ass of the other two.  The worry definition seems to me to be kind of lazy as it uses anxiety as its main modifier.  Maybe it's a chickenshit syndrome, totally intimidated by anxiety.  Then again anxiety is really overdoing it.  Reminds me of those people at meetings who talk too often and too long even though they don't seem to know what they're talking about.  And how patronizing is stress?  A human being or other animal.  Let's clump all the other billions of animals in one of two categories, the other being - of course - the magnificent Genus Human who is being schooled right now by an invisible virus.

See what all of this isolating is doing to me?  I'm even less coherent than normal. 

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