Friday, October 19, 2018

It's Enough, Already

Enough:   Sufficient; all that is required, needed, or appropriate.

One of my hot tub friends at my swim club is a little old guy who's there every day.  We laugh about politics and imply that we're better than everyone else in a friendly, tongue-in-cheek way.  He does.  I really DO think I'm better than everyone else.

I asked about his weekend.  He said he took it easy and watched some sports on The Television.  Football, specifically.  I told him that I used to pay more attention to football but in this day of hyper-commercialization the length of the games has gotten longer and longer to accommodate all of the commercials and coach's challenges and replays and the like.  The games used to take three hours - today they bump up against the four hour mark, and that's too long for me.

He laughed: "So they take four hours.  What do I have to do that's so important?"

I loved that.  He has to be every bit of 85 years old and he's gotten to the place that he doesn't have to get everything done all of the time.  I think about stuff I wanted to do yesterday and didn't, and that this leaves me feeling unfilled some of the time.  But who gives a shit, really?  How important is it?  I'm working hard at internalizing the idea that whatever I get done today is enough.

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