Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Enough and Intense

Enough:  A sufficient amount, number, etc.

The day is complete as it is.  I have nothing left to do.  I did some things and I didn't need to do any more things.  It's enough things already.  I can always make my list of things longer so that I'll never get all of them done, but what's the point of that?  I think The Little Man is feeling my vibe right now and he's digging it.  Do as much as you can - shoot high - but rest easy in your mind when you don't get it all done.  There's always going to be more shit to do.

Intense:  Strained; tightly drawn; extreme in degree; excessive.

I assume there are some easy-going people in The Program but I haven't run into any of them yet.  They must be attending meetings elsewhere.  I used to think my approach to life was mellow and low-key until someone pointed out that I was just stoned.  That's not low-key - that's out of it.  We are generally all-or-nothing people, perfectionists, intense, never satisfied.

It's enough today already.

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