Sunday, October 28, 2018

Heart Full of Soul

Soul:  The spirit or essence of a person usually thought to consist of one's thoughts and personality.  Often thought to live on after a person's death.

Mind: The ability for rational thought; the ability to be aware of things. 

Brain:  The part of a machine or computer that performs calculations.

More meditation.  I practice often and still suck at it - this means I don't have a good grasp of what it actually is.

Do it.  Don't judge how it comes out.  Don't try to control it.  Don't worry about doing it well or doing it poorly - just do it.  Count your breaths.  Pay attention to how your physical body moves - chest, belly, shoulders.  Feel how your body is connected to the earth.  Take a good look at the instant between the inhale and the exhale - there may be a lot of stuff in that little pause.  

Your mind is going to wander and that's OK - in fact, it's perfectly normal.  The mind is programmed to think so that's what it does - it thinks.  It doesn't like to be told to settle down.
Sometimes I have to laugh at the battle that goes on between what I'm thinking and who I am.  My mind is constantly trying to run off and take my spirit with it, like a little child trying to get her mother's attention.

Look at me!  I'm having a sexual fantasy!  Isn't this a lot more fun that feeling your assbone connect with Mother Earth?

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