Saturday, May 27, 2017

Twenty Billion Seems Like A Big Number

Because everyone is sitting on the edge of their respective seats waiting to hear the latest on the state of my mouth and/or the cavities - and I'm using "cavity" here in the sense of "large, open space" rather than in the "diseased tooth" sense - inside my head, especially the ones that are evolutionary mistakes that serve no real salutary purpose but can cause be quite troublesome little fellows, like the human sinus . . . 

My examination yesterday revealed no oral cavity to sinus perforation encore - Yea for me! - but did show a rather vigorous infection by unknown agents in the oral cavity under my right eye - Boo for infections!  but Hurrah for the bacteria!!  Industrious little fellows.  My hat's off to them.  I'm trying not to take it personally.  They didn't get together at a planning meeting and decide to strike deep into the heart of Seaweed's head - rather they just found a dark, wet, nutritious space and got busy.  They're in the same category as that tick that found purchase in my groin area a few weeks back - the fact that they're gross in appearance and purpose doesn't mean I get to judge them.  They're god's bacteria, after all - not mine - doing what they were designed to do.  I've heard that there are 20 billion bacteria in the human mouth.  The occasional infection seems inevitable.

The point here is not to belabor the mechanics and statistics, facts and figures, of my sinus infection or the sinus infection of anyone else.  The point is that, once again, my fears had no basis in fact.

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