Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Ticks and Such

First of all, thanks to everyone who pointed out all of the diseases that can be transmitted by a tick bite - these are all very helpful in adding to the mountain of irrational fears that currently occupy most of my waking hours.  One can never have enough shit to worry about, to paraphrase my mother, god rest her soul.

This from our text this morning: "You might think I'd tell myself, 'If alcohol causes so much harm, I will stop drinking.'  But I found countless reasons to prove to myself that alcohol had nothing to do with my misfortunes.  I told myself it was because of fate, because everyone was against me, because things weren't going well."

Boy, I'm telling ya, it was never my fault when I got myself into trouble with my drinking.

Everybody's against me!

I believe my own bullshit.

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