Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Smell Test

I'm actually somewhat impressed with my efforts this trip - not controlling the world is a pretty good idea.  Not trying to get to certain meetings to "see" everyone - most of the meetings have turned over almost completely and the people that I recognize . . . well, it's only for a few minutes, anyway.  It's just too hard to catch up on six months in a crowded, noisy room in a few minutes.

I'm happy to say mid-trip that I'm usually not unhappy with myself when I crawl into bed at the end of the day.  Don't get me wrong - I have plenty of defects still in place that need plenty of attention.  They manifest themselves often.  But I give it a shot, a good, honest effort.  I think my behavior passes the smell test most of the time.  I think my speech is somewhat commendable a lot of the time.  My thinking?  Yeah, well, the phrase "some of the time" comes to mind.  Much better but much improvement needed.

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