Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Stuff Drifting By

Acceptance:  A receiving of something offered, with approbation, satisfaction, or acquiescence; especially, favorable reception.  

I believe that I'm doing the best job yet of not running the show on this trip, and I'm referring to The Show, as in: everything!  Just sitting in mu canoe, rolling down the stream, watching stuff go by, not judging, not commenting, not controlling, and - most importantly - trying not to talk at all.  That talking with my mouth stuff just gets me in trouble.  As a general rule people aren't interested in listening to me talk.  It irritates them, for some reason.

It's not good stuff and it's not bad stuff - it's nothing more than stuff drifting by.

I'm making a few plans and breaking a few plans but mostly I'm trying to handle whatever drops in my lap.   Lower the expectations, raise the level of acceptance, and life rolls by a lot more smoothly.

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