Sunday, May 25, 2014

Trip Thoughts

Shallow:  Concerned mainly with superficial matters; significantly less deep than wide.

I think we're not that great in being nice to each other if by "we're" you mean "I'm."  I sent this note to my dear friend Barcelona K after our trip.  I realize that it kind of ruins the concept if you do something nice and then tell everyone about it - it makes me suspect an individual's motives - but I've established myself as someone with Shallow Motives.

Anyway, we had trouble getting our internet up and running, thus the short response.

My ears felt pretty unstuffed on Friday morning so I went No Medication - I'm so sensitive to drugs that most of the time the side effects are worse than the cure - for the flight.  No discomfort on take-off but I started getting some weird noises in my head - kind of a metally squinch, like pressure was equalizing but there wasn't much room for error - so I took a decongestant right away and had smooth sailing.  (Barcelona K had asked about my stuffed up head after we got home).

You might want to save this email because I'm going to attempt to say something nice.  :)  You'll find I'm not hard on people as a general rule but I don't pass out compliments like a salesman, either.

Both SuperK and I really enjoyed our time together.  I had this somewhat incomplete memory of you - all very pleasant but we didn't spend all that much time together before you left  - what was it, the jail and maybe Monday night?  I was thrilled to see that my failing memory was spot on - you've become a fine youngish man and we're so happy for your great wife, your great son (times two, now), and the life you've built in a great city.  You were a big part of out experience - the meetings, the dinner at Saga's and the market, the Maritime museum extravaganza, Vietnamese.

It was a legendary trip for us.  We enjoyed much of it, soldiered through some rough spots, and learned a couple of important things about the next one.  Number one: The Fellowship is REALLY important.  Number two: we have to make sure we get an extra room in our apartments.  SuperK and I got along fine but two months, right on top of each other, is too much to ask - she was great because I'm a big personality with some annoying, pedantic, control-freak tendencies. Number three: we need to move a little more often because we have the time to waste on relocation days.

I like the fact that you've stepped out into the big, bad world and are giving things a whirl.  It can be so comforting being in a nice little routine but it can be so boring, too.  So I say this: if it sounds interesting, do it.  We are always doing new things: we had never been to Europe for two months before so there was a learning curve.  How about you?  Ever had a wife and two kids before?  I didn't think so.

Hugs and kisses.
Seaweed and SuperK

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