Sunday, March 30, 2014


I'm sitting at the airport ready to get on a plane with a very, very small seat to take a very, very long flight.  I think the seat is shrinking as I type.  I think it's now vanishingly small.  It may actually be vapor at this point, but I still have to sit in it for ten hours.  Ten long, long hours.

Anyway, did I mention that my flight has been delayed two hours?

When I met with my sponsor a few days ago I shared some mini Fourth Step stuff with him.  One of the things we talked about was the fact that I am very careful with my money.  I am loath to allow it to leave my hands, especially when the exchange is with someone who is trying to cheat me; everyone, in other words.

We laughed about the $646 check that the federal government mailed me recently.  I said that I should spend it all on tips during my vacation since it was money I wasn't expecting to have.  If the government had never sent the money to me I would have never known the difference.  My sponsor jumped all over this suggestion.  He appeared more than willing to spend my money which irked me slightly.

We got a cab ride to the airport today.  The price for the ride was determined beforehand but didn't include the tip for the driver.  As we got near the airport I pulled $15 out of my wallet.  I looked at it for a minute and then put $5 back.  Then I got out the $5 and then put it back again.  I took out five $1 bills.  Over the course of the next few minutes I added a single $1 bill to the pile until the total reached $14.

I held onto the $14 for a while.

I added the $1 for a grand total of $15, in case your math skills are lacking.

Ben has it all, the whole $15.

Whoo Hoo!

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