Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Reprisals and Consistencies

Consistent:  Of a regularly occurring, dependable nature.

I'm going to reprise some commentary about my family because NO ONE gets tired of hearing someone complain about their birth family.  If we drunks were all telling the truth about our blood relations the world would be populated with folks who have the approximate moral fiber of Stalin and Ghenghis Kahn.

Things with my parents are running much more smoothly back in The Old City, and this is a good thing - I'm really glad that stuff has leveled off.  Because things are running much more smoothly I have been re-relegated to the backest of the back burners on the stove located way, way in the back.  And this is a good thing in it's own weird way - I make all of them vaguely uncomfortable and irritated.  While I'm undoubtedly overstating my impact on them I'll repeat this fact: no one is calling me anymore and no one is returning my calls when I initiate the contact.  I'm not offended and I'm not surprised.  This is behavior of long standing and has a very intimate feel for me.

I'll say this: sometimes I behave with my family in a way that doesn't look good on paper.  But there's a long history that helps explain this behavior and I'm consistent.  They may not like it but it doesn't surprise them.  It shouldn't surprise them, anyway,C

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