Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Of Cats and Peanuts and Alcohol

Allergy: A hypersensitivity to a specific substance which in similar amounts are harmless to most people.

Alcoholics suffer from alcohol allergies. It reacts with our bodies in a strange and fantastic manner. A non-alcoholic who has a drink might mention that the alcohol relaxes him a bit. Or he does it to be sociable or to celebrate a special occasion. He doesn’t consider the morning,
any time he is conscious, or periods of happiness, sadness, and any level in-between to be special occasions. Alcohol blows off the top of an alcoholic’s head. It makes him feel better when he needs some cheering up and it makes him feel great he is already feeling good. He takes a drink and the sun shines, the music plays, and the Heavens part. Angels come down and minister to his every need.

Most people think that allergies are not good things. Folks that are allergic to cats generally don’t own one. They may love cats. They may worship cats. But they decide that gasping for breath, uncontrollable sneezing, and dabbing at red, runny eyes are too steep a price to pay. 
If someone eats a mollusk and their head swells up to the size of a cantaloupe, they don’t order the shellfish next time they go out. They might even avoid seafood restaurants altogether. But an alcoholic sits on the curb outside the emergency room and thinks: “Let’s see: I just had my stomach pumped and almost died from alcohol poisoning. What can I do differently tonight?”

If you drink it, you will die.

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