Saturday, February 8, 2014

Chatter Fills the Airwaves

Chatter:   Talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk.

I'll tell you what else - I've almost always got  a head chock full of chatter.  The number of voices talking to me is without number and not because I haven't counted them or am unable to count to a number so large - a not unreasonable supposition given my tendency to lose focus after the number 2 or 3 - but because there are a lot of them up there.  They are whispering; they are shouting; they are shrieking; they babble on and on.  It's not like they're always pissed or discontented, either, like they were when I was sobering up.  They're just dominating the airwaves, filling it full of noise.  It's no wonder I can't get my thoughts lined up with all the babbling. 

It's like trying to have a normal conversation about a good, quality tofu product at a Black Sabbath concert.

This is perfectly normal.

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